Wrong Marfa


Bye-Bye Crown Victoria

Two guys pulled up today and tied a rope between the LTD Crown Victoria and a big Ford truck. They towed it away. Happy and sad to see it go.

This is how we carpool in Marfa.

Just plain wrong.

No, we did not get this from the Get Go, but we are delighted to hear about their new, organic produce selection!
This came out of the sweet garden of MUD friends. Thanks, Emily for knowing Wrong when you see it.

We swear we aren’t complaining but …


Marfa is generally cooler than this in August.
It ain’t Dallas heat. It ain’t Houston heat. It ain’t ol’ EP heat, but it’s still hot for us.
Pray for Rain.

Camp Clouds

Camp clouds at Wrong

The Tequila Tower was looking a little nekkid. Today, we added clouds.

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The Adventures of Three Lucky Turkeys

Image Courtesy of Jim Fissel

They’ve stopped traffic.
They’ve attacked a cyclist.
They’ve posed, modeled, smiled for the camera.
The wild turkeys came to Marfa and stayed.

Check out the most popular post ever on Marfalist.org.

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